Dear Members,
Our Christmas party was, once
again, a very enjoyable and memorable evening. I think that everyone will agree that it was a complete
success, thanks to the delicious feast provided by Denise and the wonderful
entertainment provided so selflessly by all involved. We give our thanks to everyone who gave their time so
willingly once again.
No sooner has Christmas passed
and we are starting to prepare for the Easter Exhibition. With this in mind, please
find enclosed
the Rules for the Exhibition, an Entry
Form, four Labels and Reminder
Notes. The
Reminder Notes are to be given to your friends to remind them of the date and
time of the Exhibition.
We will also have Car Stickers
and Posters available in Thie Ellyn
shortly; please can everyone take a few to display in cars, local shops,
supermarkets, waiting rooms and wherever else you can think of. This provides excellent
advertising for
the Exhibition all around the Island.
If you are unable to get to Thie Ellyn, please give me a ring and I will
post some out to you.
Please bear in mind that we MAY
have to hold back one exhibit due to space restrictions. When completing your Entry
Form, please
place your exhibits in order of preference. When you hand your exhibits in, please be prepared to add
your name to the rota for manning the Exhibition. This is good fun and a great way to get to know other
Society members. Remember that
this is your Exhibition, please try to help out for at least one session.
Handing in Day will be on Saturday
15th March between
10am and 4pm at the Villa Marina.
Again we will require plenty of volunteers to help with the
hanging. The Exhibition will run
from Thursday 20th to Friday 28th March. Collection of unsold paintings will be from 2.15pm to 4pm on
the 28th.
Our raffle prize this year will
be very kindly donated by Anthea Radcliffe, and we are very grateful to her.
The Artist, in Nelson Street, the
Art Gallery in Bucks Road and the Creative Shop in Strand Street, all offer a
10% discount on materials and framing to members, just show your membership
We are currently in the process
of arranging our Summer Painting Week
and full details will be issued as soon as they are available.
If anyone has still not paid
their annual subscription, can they please send their payments or completed
Standing Order forms to the Membership Secretary, Mrs Christine Pollard,
“Kensa”, Ballakilpheric, Colby. Use
of the Standing Order forms makes
it impossible to forget to renew your subscription and also reduces the amount
of work required by our Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
So get those paintings finished,
we look forward to seeing you all at the Exhibition, if not before.
Kind regards,
Jackie Kelly (Hon Sec)